Monday, June 27, 2005

Comrade Korach

It seems that Korach was the first communist. It is interesting to interpret the psukim along those lines:
"Korach and his crowd attacked Moshe and Aharon, and said, 'You have taken too much! The whole nation is holy, and Hashem is amongst them - why do you raise yourself above them?' " In other words, they were complaining that everyone should be equal, and there should be nothing differentiating one person from another - the basic premise of every Utopian plan.
Moshe answered, "Tomorrow morning, Hashem will let us know who is his and holy and bring them close to him, and he will bring close the ones he chooses. Do this: Tomorrow, take pans and burn incense upon them in front of Hashem, and the ones who Hashem chooses are the holy ones - you have taken too much, sons of Levi!"
Moshe was challenging their core beliefs. He was telling them that man's place in this world is not inherently equal (although it is fair). He told them that the only way that he and they would be able to decide their conflict would be by taking part in a test whose results would leave a clear winner and loser - something inimical to their stated beliefs! That's why he concluded, "You have taken too much, sons of Levi!" because by them accepting his challenge, they were admitting to the hypocrisy of their own views.
After that line of reasoning didn't work - as they accepted his challenge - Moshe tried a different tactic to forestall the conflict.
"Listen, sons of Levi: Isn't it enough that Hashem separated your entire tribe from the rest of the nation, and brought you close to him to perform the duties of the Mishkan and to stand in front of the Jewish Nation to serve them - Hashem brought you and the entire Tribe of Levi close to him - and you still want the Priest-hood?"
He was telling them that now that they admitted (by accepting his challenge) that there are various levels - winners, losers and some more besides - they should look honestly at themselves, and realize that they were doing quite well performing a select function in Judaism.
"Therefore, you and your cohorts are attacking Hashem - not Aharon, for what is he in this decision that you should attack him?"
If they wouldn't admit to being part of an exalted part of Israel, then Moshe would be forced to come to the conclusion that it wasn't Moshe and Aharon they were attacking, because that position was given to them by Hashem - he could only conclude that they were attacking Hashem!
Moshe summoned Dasan and Avirom to come before him in the hopes that they would see the reason in his words and mend their ways. They answered him, "Not only did you take us out of the wonderful land of Egypt, but you persist in ruling over us! You didn't fulfill your promise to bring us to the Promised Land and conquer it for us!"
Their point was that their attack was specifically against Moshe, and that they wouldn't concede his point that they were attacking Hashem. Moshe, angered by their self-imposed blindness, said to Hashem:
"Don't accept their incense tomorrow - I have not accepted a gift from any of them, nor wronged them in any way." He was saying that although there would be room to have mercy on Korach and his cronies if their attacks were only against Moshe and Aharon (although this is hard for us to understand, remember that Moshe was anav m'kol adam), but since their attacks were really against Hashem, contrary to their stated arguments (as there was no real reason for them to be angry at him, as he had not wronged them in any way), Hashem shouldn't have pity on them and should not accept their offering.

There's a lesson here - many times we see someone do something that he or she says is for a good purpose, l'shem shamayim, while in reality it's a terrible thing that they're doing. It is not necessarily the case that they know they're doing wrong, most likely they are blinding themselves to the truth. Korach and his band were all great men before their downfall - it doesn't make sense that such people should attack Hashem - but they blinded themselves to the true import of their actions, and were convinced they were doing the right thing. A friend of mine used to say (as he was beating me in chess), "When in doubt, think!" As the pasuk says, Ashrei adam m'fached tamid - lucky is the man who is always in doubt - because he is the one who thinks!


Blogger defen said...

Why does this all sound so familiar...

5/7/05 11:11 PM  

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Committee for the Sanctity of Shabbos

I recently saw on Hirhurim (June 14th) the pamphlet sent out by the Committee for the Sanctity of Shabbos. The PDF is here. A few days after Hirhurim posted about it, I saw a stack of these pamphlets near the entrance of the Bais Medrash. As I collect these things, I took a copy. I must say, I was appalled. This is a twelve-page, full color publication, printed on card stock. Apparently, it was mailed to the whole Flatbush (correct me if I'm wrong), which is a VERY expensive proposition.

So, what's the big deal? I'll tell you the big deal. The big deal is that these people have no idea what they're doing. Let's analyze the situation: Rabbis A, B, C and D, say the Eruv is not kosher. Rabbis E, F, G and H, say the Eruv is kosher. Each position has a whole set of consequences, which I'm sure my readers appreciate. Now, what is the halachic response when one has a disagreement between poskim? Every person should follow the dictates of his or her own posek.
So, who is this committee addressing? The Talmidim of Rabbi A? They already know that they may not carry in the Eruv. The Talmidim of Rabbi E? As it happens, they may carry in the Eruv. So what's the deal?

Oh - wait! There are people who don't have a posek! They are the ones being addressed.
To the people who don't have a posek? You may not tell them the Eruv is not kosher! Look at the previous post for the sign you should disseminate (and a much cheaper one, too).

What to do with all the money saved by printing a one-page, black-and-white, on regular paper poster? Well, if the Committee for the Sanctity of Shabbos is concerned with the Sanctity of Shabbos, I know of a few families who could use some extra money to put food on their table, and thereby sanctify their Shabbos. Hmm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you said, there are some people that have no regular posek or go kulah shopping. Some people might be tempted by the idea that they could carry and go to the park on Shabbos with a carriage if they join the eruv crowd, and suddenly adopt a new opinion for that reason. Presumably the committee is trying to prevent such quickie conversions.

23/6/05 4:43 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

Well then, use my poster...

23/6/05 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broklyn is a walled city. Anyone driving around Brooklyn can see these walls. Also, most poskm rule,rivers and the ocean are valid wals. Anyone loking at a map of Broklyn sees it's surounded by water on more than three sides. Fourth side has fences along the highway.
Also, houses around Brokyn, are walls around it. Aso if there is one dead end street any street conecting to it is alo a dead end stret. Thefore, all large cities are waled cities.
Therefore, those against the eruv don't know what they are talkg about.

17/8/05 4:54 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

I'm glad you feel that you are a great enough posek to state that so many great rabbi don't know what they are talking about. As it happens, your post seems to indicate pretty strongly that you don't know what you are talking about...

17/8/05 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

18/8/05 12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear friend. Walls around Brooklyn is an obvious fact. We rule: an area surounded by walls is a reshus hayachid,just like one can carry is his house, he can carry in Brookyn. If one's againt this he's stupid.

S. Director

18/8/05 12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, I wrote to all those who's signatures apear in picture boolet against eruvin in Broklyn, (and others)asking them to explain the reason why one cannot use the eruv there. They were also sent many publications from the undersinged, exlaining clear, absolute reasons, for establishing eruvin in Brooklyn. No one answered. Because, they don't have what to answer. They canot make intelegent coments to one versed in the subject. It does not take any brains to sign on a letter.
No one has any obligaton to asume that one signing on a document knows what he is talking about. Even if Moshe Rabenu signed on a document without stating a reason. His signature is worthles.
Unless he says this is what GOD told me. Signatures on documents, or letters, are not the word of GOD. However, a detaied discourse,
explainig Jewish Law is. Because, Torah writen by Torah scholars in all generations was givin on Mt. Sini.


18/8/05 9:48 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

19/8/05 12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything I publish is with my name. So if you didn't see my name I didn't publish it. More, so, I'm very caeful not to call Gdolei Yisroel vile names. Even if I might argue with them it's done with respect.

19/8/05 4:53 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

I could very well be remembering incorrectly. I'm talking about a pamphlet about eruvin (or hazra'ah me'lachis maybe?) that I threw out because of the great disrespect accorded to a gadol hador. I thought I remembered your name on it, but I trust you if you say that it wasn't.

19/8/05 5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no ruling in the Torah to listen to your Rabbi. The Rosh put a Rov in his generation in charem because he didn't make an eruv (Tshuvos Harosh clall 21). He didn't tell people to listen to him. Because he was their Rov.
Those against the eruv, issue rulings against leading poskim in our generation, may who have pulished many volumes, with letters they answered on many Torah topics.(Rav Menasha Klein, Rav Yechezkel Roth, Rav Krausz, and others,who rule on thousands of questions, each year, people ask them).
24 years ago, letters from 19 prominent poskim in Brooklyn,concerning ervin, was published in a newspaper in Williamsburg: and, in a prestigous Torah journal in Eretz Yisroel. Later 5,000 copies were printed and sent to leading rabbonim and others.
Also see: mail-Jewish Volume 30 number 95: and,Back Row of the Beis:The slow strikes back. On Flatbush eruv website. Were it is clearly explained that Reb Moshe Feinstein was never againt eruvin in Brooklyn. Publicity that he was are lies.Against what he wrote in Igros Moshe.
No one has any obligatin to listen to rabbonim who rule against eruvin, becase of what they saw on posters, leaflets, and in newspapers, and were too lazy to do proper research.

19/8/05 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. director, regardless of where you stand on this particular issue, you obviously have a blatantly direspectful and frighteningly arrogannt tone in your postings. the discussions concerning the eruv specifically are ones, that as some other posters have pointed out, that should be discussed with ones own (hopefully) competent halachic authority. to even suggest that an individual need not concern themselves with the opinion of that authority if that authority in fact deems the eruv halachically invalid is astonishing. perhaps the eruv should be the least of your concerns.

19/8/05 4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and one more thing mr director. the assertion that the signatories you mentioned have some sort of responsability to answer your questions regarding the eruv, is at best, entertaining. simply put, they dont. in addition, if the tone of your letter to them had even a shred of the disrespect that your postings did, i, for one, am happy that they disregarded it. if it was even brought to their attention, which it likely did not.

19/8/05 5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did't answer, because they are stupid, and don't have what to answer. Literature (most of it) did not have insulting remarks. It was a discussion of the the halacha. Mostly, without any remarks, about any one.
You comment on literature I wrote, without even seeing it--very stupid.
Also, please be advised, this writer is author of many books on various subjects of Torah Law. And, just as smart, and knowledgeable, as those in the picture book. I was a Rosh Yeshiva in various Yeshios and now retired.
I might add, my son Moshe, my student, far greater in Torah a thousnd times than those in picure book and is head of a collel in Boro Pk.,laughed at picture book.Becaue he read liturature on the subject and is not interested in picturs.He wants to see Torah .
Also, please be advised, I republished 3 books on eruvin, writtn by outstandng Torah scholars that lived 100 years ago.Discussing eruvin in large cities. One is about the eruv in Manhatan in 1908(all are available by sending $25.00 to P.O.B. 786, Woodbourne, N Y 12788).
Those in the picture booklet never learned them or are capable of understanding them. Because, if they studied these books, they would not be against eruvin in Brooklyn.
Also, please be advised, promient Rabonim in our generation
(Rabbis, Menasha Klein, Yehezkel Roth, Sholom Krauz,The Mukatcher Rebbi and others)wrote books explaining clearly why an eruv can be established in Brookyn.
Their addresses, and telephone numbers, are in the phone book,if you care to buy their books or discuss the matter with them.
I, or anyone else, have no obligation to follow a ruling, on any matter, by those who sign on letters, or posters, without statig a reason. More, so, when there is a vast amount of literature on this subject explaing clearly why one can make an eruv.
My brazen tone in my postes is because I hate liars, and stupid people, who rule on a subject witout learing it.

21/8/05 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did't answer, because they are stupid, and don't have what to answer. Literature (most of it) did not have insulting remarks. It was a discussion of the the halacha. Mostly, without any remarks, about any one.
You comment on literature I wrote, without even seeing it--very stupid.
Also, please be advised, this writer is author of many books on various subjects of Torah Law. And, just as smart, and knowledgeable, as those in the picture book. I was a Rosh Yeshiva in various Yeshios and now retired.
I might add, my son Moshe, my student, far greater in Torah a thousnd times than those in picure book and is head of a collel in Boro Pk.,laughed at picture book.Becaue he read liturature on the subject and is not interested in picturs.He wants to see Torah .
Also, please be advised, I republished 3 books on eruvin, writtn by outstandng Torah scholars that lived 100 years ago.Discussing eruvin in large cities. One is about the eruv in Manhatan in 1908(all are available by sending $25.00 to P.O.B. 786, Woodbourne, N Y 12788).
Those in the picture booklet never learned them or are capable of understanding them. Because, if they studied these books, they would not be against eruvin in Brooklyn.
Also, please be advised, promient Rabonim in our generation
(Rabbis, Menasha Klein, Yehezkel Roth, Sholom Krauz,The Mukatcher Rebbi and others)wrote books explaining clearly why an eruv can be established in Brookyn.
Their addresses, and telephone numbers, are in the phone book,if you care to buy their books or discuss the matter with them.
I, or anyone else, have no obligation to follow a ruling, on any matter, by those who sign on letters, or posters, without statig a reason. More, so, when there is a vast amount of literature on this subject explaing clearly why one can make an eruv.
My brazen tone in my postes is because I hate liars, and stupid people, who rule on a subject witout learing it.

21/8/05 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did't answer, because they are stupid, and don't have what to answer. Literature (most of it) did not have insulting remarks. It was a discussion of the the halacha. Mostly, without any remarks, about any one.
You comment on literature I wrote, without even seeing it--very stupid.
Also, please be advised, this writer is author of many books on various subjects of Torah Law. And, just as smart, and knowledgeable, as those in the picture book. I was a Rosh Yeshiva in various Yeshios and now retired.
I might add, my son Moshe, my student, far greater in Torah a thousnd times than those in picure book and is head of a collel in Boro Pk.,laughed at picture book.Becaue he read liturature on the subject and is not interested in picturs.He wants to see Torah .
Also, please be advised, I republished 3 books on eruvin, writtn by outstandng Torah scholars that lived 100 years ago.Discussing eruvin in large cities. One is about the eruv in Manhatan in 1908(all are available by sending $25.00 to P.O.B. 786, Woodbourne, N Y 12788).
Those in the picture booklet never learned them or are capable of understanding them. Because, if they studied these books, they would not be against eruvin in Brooklyn.
Also, please be advised, promient Rabonim in our generation
(Rabbis, Menasha Klein, Yehezkel Roth, Sholom Krauz,The Mukatcher Rebbi and others)wrote books explaining clearly why an eruv can be established in Brookyn.
Their addresses, and telephone numbers, are in the phone book,if you care to buy their books or discuss the matter with them.
I, or anyone else, have no obligation to follow a ruling, on any matter, by those who sign on letters, or posters, without statig a reason. More, so, when there is a vast amount of literature on this subject explaing clearly why one can make an eruv.
My brazen tone in my postes is because I hate liars, and stupid people, who rule on a subject witout learing it.

21/8/05 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did't answer, because they are stupid, and don't have what to answer. Literature (most of it) did not have insulting remarks. It was a discussion of the the halacha. Mostly, without any remarks, about any one.
You comment on literature I wrote, without even seeing it--very stupid.
Also, please be advised, this writer is author of many books on various subjects of Torah Law. And, just as smart, and knowledgeable, as those in the picture book. I was a Rosh Yeshiva in various Yeshios and now retired.
I might add, my son Moshe, my student, far greater in Torah a thousnd times than those in picure book and is head of a collel in Boro Pk.,laughed at picture book.Becaue he read liturature on the subject and is not interested in picturs.He wants to see Torah .
Also, please be advised, I republished 3 books on eruvin, writtn by outstandng Torah scholars that lived 100 years ago.Discussing eruvin in large cities. One is about the eruv in Manhatan in 1908(all are available by sending $25.00 to P.O.B. 786, Woodbourne, N Y 12788).
Those in the picture booklet never learned them or are capable of understanding them. Because, if they studied these books, they would not be against eruvin in Brooklyn.
Also, please be advised, promient Rabonim in our generation
(Rabbis, Menasha Klein, Yehezkel Roth, Sholom Krauz,The Mukatcher Rebbi and others)wrote books explaining clearly why an eruv can be established in Brookyn.
Their addresses, and telephone numbers, are in the phone book,if you care to buy their books or discuss the matter with them.
I, or anyone else, have no obligation to follow a ruling, on any matter, by those who sign on letters, or posters, without statig a reason. More, so, when there is a vast amount of literature on this subject explaing clearly why one can make an eruv.
My brazen tone in my postes is because I hate liars, and stupid people, who rule on a subject witout learing it.

21/8/05 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did't answer, because they are stupid, and don't have what to answer. Literature (most of it) did not have insulting remarks. It was a discussion of the the halacha. Mostly, without any remarks, about any one.
You comment on literature I wrote, without even seeing it--very stupid.
Also, please be advised, this writer is author of many books on various subjects of Torah Law. And, just as smart, and knowledgeable, as those in the picture book. I was a Rosh Yeshiva in various Yeshios and now retired.
I might add, my son Moshe, my student, far greater in Torah a thousnd times than those in picure book and is head of a collel in Boro Pk.,laughed at picture book.Becaue he read liturature on the subject and is not interested in picturs.He wants to see Torah .
Also, please be advised, I republished 3 books on eruvin, writtn by outstandng Torah scholars that lived 100 years ago.Discussing eruvin in large cities. One is about the eruv in Manhatan in 1908(all are available by sending $25.00 to P.O.B. 786, Woodbourne, N Y 12788).
Those in the picture booklet never learned them or are capable of understanding them. Because, if they studied these books, they would not be against eruvin in Brooklyn.
Also, please be advised, promient Rabonim in our generation
(Rabbis, Menasha Klein, Yehezkel Roth, Sholom Krauz,The Mukatcher Rebbi and others)wrote books explaining clearly why an eruv can be established in Brookyn.
Their addresses, and telephone numbers, are in the phone book,if you care to buy their books or discuss the matter with them.
I, or anyone else, have no obligation to follow a ruling, on any matter, by those who sign on letters, or posters, without statig a reason. More, so, when there is a vast amount of literature on this subject explaing clearly why one can make an eruv.
My brazen tone in my postes is because I hate liars, and stupid people, who rule on a subject witout learing it.

21/8/05 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also see posts by Shiah Director on this website "Back Row of the Beis", "Just Passing Through", and Michael Jackson" etc.

21/8/05 2:45 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

I think the comment beginning, "Your full of..." effectively demonstrates why there is no need to respond to this gentleman...

21/8/05 4:43 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

Just for the record, I didn't say the Eruv was or was not kosher. I said to ask your rabbi. If you happen to be a practicing rabbi, you can advise your congregants what to do. They should listen to you. If someone else asks his rabbi, and he permits it or forbids it, it is none of your business.

21/8/05 2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently, I published a booklet,Eruv Isser an Analysis, with letters sent to those in picture booklet,(and others) with some of the literature I sent them.It's available by sending $2.00 to P.O.B.786, Woodbourne,NY 12788.

27/8/05 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster from 5739 (1979), against eruvin in Brooklyn, with 50+ signatures, widely publicized, is a fraud.
1. Stated there: there was an isser, in 5722, to make eruvin in all cities with a population of 600,000. However, in documet from 5722,it states:this isser was only for Manhattan.This is also stated in Igros Moshe4:86. Document fron 5722 is available from, Eruv Society of Boro Park,1419 44th St., Brooklyn, N Y
2. Reb Moshe Feinstein, never signed on this document, against what he wrote in Igros Moshe (ibid), and against facts known to him. Obviously, his signature was forged.
3.It's stated in document from 5739, Rav Henkin signed document from 5722: however, his name is not there.More, so, there's a letter from him suporting eruvin in Manhatan.Availale, at adress above, from Eruv Society of Boro Park.
4. Those signing on fradulent doument from 5739(with all due respect), had a holy obligation to talk with Rabonim of Flatbush,before signing on a document against them, and shaming them publicly. Torah Law in all generatins, was only decided after discusions betwen parties involed. Signatures on posters, more, so, forged signatures,and signatures on lies, are not the word of GOD.
5. Had they done this, they would have been advised.
a. Reb Moshe Feinstin approved of their project.
b. Rav Hutner, Rosh Yeshiva of Chiam Berlin, also aproved of it.
c. Yaser Rov,a prominent posik in Flatbsuh, approved of their project.
d. Letters were sent to other porminet Rabonim,asking for their
opinion. Only Rav Menasha Klein replied,with a 46 page booklet (not a signature),approvng of eruvin in Broklyn.
f. Fact is: those signing against eruvin in BOOKLYN,signed aginst Reb Moshe Feinstein.

27/8/05 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noteworthy, is arguement between the Mishcanos Yaakov and Beis Efriam. Miskanos Yakov, relying on a ruling fron Villna Gaon, and citing reliable proofs supporting his ruling, claimed: any street 16 amos (20-24 feet)wide with people going on it is a reshus harabim.Bais Efriam, after citing reliable proofs, claimed 600,000 people going on a street, in one day, make it a reshus harabim. His ruling is folowed. Because, according to Mishcanos Yaakov, most eruvin in Errope were possel.
However, many great Torah scholars, held like the Miscanos Yakov. Nevertheless, he did not run around and get signatures from those who agreed with him. Because he clearly understood, Torah Law is decided by disussing it. Not by signatures on posters or letters.
Discussion on this matter, between Mishcanos Yakov and Bais Efriam, was preserved for all future generations, to learn and ponder on. Their Torah lit up the world: and, helped Torah scholars, in all generations understand the subject.
Where as signatures on posters, something never done in the history of the Jewish people, only mix up the public, who think there is validity to these signatures, signed before learning the subject clearly: and, discussing the matter with other Torah scholars.
Pro eruv people also could have gotten Rabbonim to sign on a poster approving eruvin. They also

could have printed a booklet with pictures of Rabbonim, with grey beards, who agree with them.
However, they understood, this is not the way to decide Torah Law. It was never done. Rabbonim, in all generations, printed essays, and gave lectures explaining their views.

lectures, explaining their views.

31/8/05 7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Information and documents about eruvin can be obtained at fax no.718-438-7411

1/9/05 5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who read carefuly posts by this writer, and call faz number of Eruv Society of Boro Park, cited above.Will be rewarded by the ALMIGHTY for seeking the truth. May they be blessed.

4/9/05 2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear holy brothers. You must understand. Linzer Rov, Rabbi Weider, official dayon of Klausenberger Cong. in Boro Pk., numbering 800+ members, answers more questions on Jewish Law then anyone in picture book. More people ask him shailos than they ask Hillel David, and all the others, in picture book. He also has a grey beard: and, could take a picture for a picture book.
He ruled: eruv in Boro Pk. is kosher. Same ruling applies to Flatbush. There is no difference between Boro Pk. and Flatbush. However, he and many other Rabbonim in Bro Pk., don't want to get into a fight with those in picture book and others in Flatbush.
Rav Menasha Klein, one of the greatest Torah scholars in our generation, who has published 17 volumes of answers to questions he answerd, people all over the world, and many other works,
also has a grey beard. Recently, he published a 500 page book on validity of eruvin in Brooklyn. (If anyone wants it. Call him. His telephone no. is in tel. book.)
Yechezkel Roth, (with grey beard) is author of six volumes of answers to questions he answered people all over the world. With many tshuvos about eruvin in Brookly.
Rav Fishel Heshkowitz, Rov of Klausenberger Cong. in Williamsburg. One of the leading poskim of our generation.
Answers thousands of questions on Jewish Law each year. Approved of eruvin in Brooklyn. He says
complete thilim every day, praying to the ALMIGHTY, he should not rule falsly.
He is unknown to the general public in Flatbush. Because, he is not a member of Agudas Yisroel, Agudas Harabbonim, or any other group, who publicize their Gedolim. He's a quiet man that learns Torah all day.
Picture book is a vicious ploy. To impress the ignorant that there are reliable people against the eruv in Flatbush. While, truth is, all reliable Rabbonim are in favor of it.
Those in picture book are not equal to them, in Torah scholarship. They have not published one word explaining their rediculous stand. They never will publish anything explaining their position against eruvin. Because, they have nothing to publish.
They only quote Reb Moshe Feinstein, of blessed memory: but, they misquoted him. Because, he told any one who asked him, including Rav Menasha Klein, they can make an eruv. This is stated openly in his letter to Rabbonim of Flatbush(Igros Moshe 4:87). Not quoted in picture book.
He was also against any protest against eruvin in Brooklyn (ibid.) So why are ani-eruv people protesting, printing picture books, and ridiculing those who make eruvin? Exactly the opposite of Reb Moshe's ruling.
Answer is, they are not leading poskim in our generation, like those aformentioned(and many others not mentioned). They just don't know what they are doing. They have a mental imbalance and
should see a doctor.Because, they are sick people.

7/9/05 3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently a booklet was published, about eruvin in Brooklyn, containing many facts unknown to the general public,and distributed door to door in Flatbush.
If smeone wants this booklet: LETTERS BY RABBI SHIAH DIRECTOR, writeto:P.O.B. 786, WOODBOURNE, N Y 12788

27/9/05 1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Director - are you an Ungvarer Chossid ?

14/2/06 4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you say that your son that you mentioned is head of the kollel of the Ungvarer Rebbe ?

14/2/06 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that a prominent godol of the past once slapped Director on the face after hearing his chutzpah.

14/2/06 4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's your problem you "HEAR" things. First find out if what you "HEAR" is correct.
Problem with anti-eruv people is they "hear" things and are too lazy to study the subject of eruvin from reliable sources.
Yes I am brazen. Because I hate stupid people and those who are too lazy to learn Torah.
I hate people who talk when they don't know what they are talking about

19/7/06 12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son was head of the Ungvar Collel. Two years ago he started his own collel and yeshiva located at 59th street and 17th Ave.

19/7/06 12:19 AM  

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Artscroll in Beis Eliyahu

Boy! It's been a while! For all of you who asked what the PROJECT was, thanks. It hasn't gotten off the ground yet, as I haven't had the time to teach myself Javascript. Well, well, well. Back to blogging.

There's a fellow who sits next to me in the Beis Medrash. I don't know him at all. He keeps an Artscroll gemara on his shtender, and refers to it occasionally. This bothers me, and I just realized why. (Disclaimer: There IS an appropriate use for Artscroll gemaros, I am not against Artscroll, etc. etc.) Imagine that you are in an English Lit course in Yale. Now, imagine walking up to your professer and asking her a question in "As You Like It". So far so good? See yourself reaching into your bag for your copy of the play - and coming up with the Yellow-and-Black cheat book of it. I daresay you would be embarrassed.
However, if the aforementioned scenario took place in your local two-bit community college, then it would be par for the course, would it not?
So, if one is in the most prestigious Yeshiva in the world (outside of Israel), and in its most advanced Beis Medrash, one should keep his Artscroll on the shelf outside, and refer to it as necessary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ArtScroll is great if you want a quick synopsis of what the rishonim have to say on a line...

21/6/05 9:26 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

Sure. So are the Cliff Notes.

21/6/05 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. Regards.

23/6/05 12:47 AM  
Blogger MYG said...


23/6/05 12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh. You give a guy a glowing endorsement on his non-partisan, innocuous looking Gemara insights blog and the next thing you know he's gone political soapbox.

I disagree. Here's why.

Probably about a century ago, an esteemed rabbi wished to start a Yeshiva for the most elite students. Yeshivas Mitzuyanim it was to be called. Only the very best needed apply. Its intended mission was learning at the highest caliber.

Indeed, one interested young student was Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman, then learning at the famous Slabodka Yeshiva, who later founded the reknowned Yeshivas Ner Yisrael. One day while walking with his mentor, the famous Alter of Slabodka, he revealed his desire. The Alter pointed down from the bridge they trode, at the river which ran through the center of town. "Or," suggested his Rebbi, "you can throw yourself off this bridge right now".

I am proud that In my Yeshiva, we have a wide gamut of students. They range from super advanced to complete beginner. I like that. Torah is not only for Yale types. We take all comers. I'm certainly not going to be bothered if I see someone who "I don't know at all" using a study aid (let alone "occasionally").

I'll even go the next step. I wouldn't be put off by seeing almost anyone using an Artscroll. As I've told you, I'm a big fan of easy. Whatever it takes, man. If Ploni learns well with an Artscoll, great. If he thinks he'll do better and learn more by breaking his head figuring out a piece on his own, super. That's a highly specific call and I think blanket policies are inappropriate.

Love your Shabbos poster, though.

23/6/05 3:30 PM  
Blogger MYG said...

Where did you give me a glowing endorsement (just wanna see, ya know)?
It was a conscious decision to go "political soapbox" although I hope to continue posting divrei Torah, too.
I agree with you in principle, which is why I wrote, "Disclaimer: There IS an appropriate use for Artscroll gemaros, I am not against Artscroll, etc. etc."
On the other hand, I think my point - that there is room for a little pride in this particular context - still stands.

Love your Shabbos poster, though.


24/6/05 2:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The endorsement was in personal email recommendation.

It discussed the author of esefer's obvious erudition and fine writing skills.

Miktzas shvacho b'fanav- sorry, that's all I'm can say.

24/6/05 7:48 AM  
Blogger MYG said...

Thanks, *blush*

24/6/05 11:02 AM  
Blogger SemGirl said...

"Most prestigious yeshiva in the world.."

Excuse me, while I BARF!!

29/7/05 3:17 PM  
Blogger MYG said...

I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you feel better soon.

29/7/05 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have also had your sentiment, but I don't agree with your explanation.
I think the reason we don't like to see Artscrolls in the Bais Medrash is not some kind of elitist/snobbish thing. (Do we really want the guy who isn't so smart to have to go to somewhere else to learn?)
It's because we are making a judgment on the other person. We know from our own experience that if you do it the hard way, the learning is enhanced. This is certainly true in Torah, where
the process, not just the resulting knowledge is valueable. When we see the guy with his Artscroll, we assume that he is able to do it the hard way but is too lazy to do so. On the other hand, it's a good idea to keep an open mind. Some people really have a good reason to use an Artscroll. Remember that for some people this is the only way.

8/2/06 4:10 PM  
Blogger MYG said...

Your points are well taken, though I stand by my post.

12/2/06 11:29 PM  
Blogger masmid613 said...

"There's a fellow who sits next to me in the Beis Medrash. I don't know him at all." u learn in Lakewood or S'dom? Maybe at least learn the guy's name before u criticize him. Did it even occut to you that as you have made it clear who you are anyone can now figure out who this is?

10/8/06 2:48 PM  
Blogger MYG said...

Believe me, nobody can figure out who he is. By the way, I am no longer in the Lakewood Yeshiva.

11/8/06 2:26 PM  

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