eSefer and Google
Here are some Google searches (without quotes) that return eSefer as the first result. They are all current as of now, and have all been used to reach this site. I have excluded obvious searches such as esefer or my name.
Berachos 32b
lakewood blog
sefirah smiley
chazon ish emunah
emunah bitachon chazon ish
lakewood blogger
berachos 28a
berachos 7b
berachos 13b
chazarah dolgin
hip-hugging tznius
chazarah learning memorization
chillul shabbos
prakdan women
internet hechsher in lakewood
nap white noise polynap
Berachos 32b
lakewood blog
sefirah smiley
chazon ish emunah
emunah bitachon chazon ish
lakewood blogger
berachos 28a
berachos 7b
berachos 13b
chazarah dolgin
hip-hugging tznius
chazarah learning memorization
chillul shabbos
prakdan women
internet hechsher in lakewood
nap white noise polynap
Labels: google searches
berachos 8a
shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 239:6
any more chazon ish coming...?
Very nice, but why no recent messages?
Thank you. No recent messages because I stopped blogging. There was enough good content up, though, that I left the blog in place. Enjoy!
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