Anonymity, Take IV
A few weeks ago, I sent a letter to the Voice of Lakewood. It read:
It was printed with minor changes. This Friday I received the following anonymous letter in the mail. It is reproduced here for your edification. (Click the picture for a larger version.)
With all due respect to Rabbi Yehuda Braun, many of the Halachos of Tznius are subjective, and vary from place to place. There is no question that it is Assur for a woman to drive in
Someone who has a question about whether a certain activity is or is not Tzniusdik, would do well to refer the issue to our local Rabbonim, who are eminently capable of deciding.
Moshe Yehuda Gluck

Wow! I think this idiot was just shocked that someone would actually sign their own name on a letter to the editor!!!
p.s. I think he needs to go (back) to school to learn how to spell, since he obviously agrees with the Goyishe perspective on the world as evidenced by his lame "2 wrongs dont make a right" comment
Though it's anonymous, perhaps someone would recognize the handwriting. I would just put up the text.
It's okay with me if someone recognizes the handwriting. Presumably it is also okay with the writer, or he would not have sent it to me.
Wow, perhaps this 'fellow' should open up , chas vesholom, a goyisha dictionary from time to time and help rid us of the “illiteracy epidemic” that is plaguing the Yeshiva world.
Shlomo Hamelech asked Hashem for what?
"It's okay with me if someone recognizes the handwriting. Presumably it is also okay with the writer, or he would not have sent it to me."
Not really. This wasn't posted in the Lakewood Whatever It's Called; it was private communication. You can assume there is a good chance the writer doesn't want to be identified, by the fact that he didn't sign his name. The writer was also, presumably, unaware of his spelling errors for which others have mocked him.
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If someone chooses to send an anonymous letter denigrating the receiver, he is aware that it is likely that the receiver will show it to any and all people, and is taking the risk of being identified by his handwriting. Ihu hu d'azik anafshei.
Okay. Do you think you can delete the comment before yours?
I don't know - it might be an Issur D'Oyraysa...
Repent, while there is still hope for your Lost Soul>>>>>>>
Although I personally feel it is a lack of Tznius, I still wouldn’t take the letter to much to heart. For all you know, there were many people agreeing to your letter, but only naysayers make their voices heard.
IFT: Believe me - I wasn't going to.
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